From: Nathaniel Putzig <
Date: Wed Jul 25, 2001
9:27 am
Subject: Fwd: PARTY!
Greetings from Bali!
Well, I can't believe it's coming to an end. Tomorrow,
I fly from Bali to San Francisco. I'll be spending a
few days there before house-hunting (or hovel-hunting,
as the case may be) in Boulder, Colorado. I will
arrive back in Houston on August 3rd, 360 days (and
360 degrees) from the day I left.
This note does not constitute a proper update, so
there will be more to follow on my travels in Bali.
However, it has come to my attention that my good
friends Mike, Sandra, & Ian are throwing a party in
honor of my return (yes, and your birthday too, Bump)
in Houston on August 4th. The attached message
contains directions for those that can attend [attachment
removed - Than].
Than Putzig